Alex Cloninger, “Data Representation Learning from a Single Pass of the Data”
Alex Cloninger, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and
the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute
UC San Diego
“Data Representation Learning from a Single Pass of the Data”
Abstract: In many applications, constructing kernel matrices or pairwise distance matrices can be prohibitively expensive. This can be due to the expense of storing data in a streaming setting, or the expense of accessing multiple large data sets to compute some statistical distance between them. In this talk, I highlight several settings in which we can compute representations of data points (or entire point clouds) on a single pass. This includes Linearized Optimal Transport for computing Wasserstein distances between distributions and performing supervised learning, boosted kernel regression on streaming data, and streaming quantization of translation invariant kernel feature spaces.
Biography: Alex Cloninger is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute at UC San Diego. He received his PhD in Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation from the University of Maryland in 2014, and was then an NSF Postdoc and Gibbs Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Yale University until 2017, when he joined UCSD. Alex researches problems in the area of geometric data analysis and applied harmonic analysis. He focuses on approaches that model the data as being locally lower dimensional, including data concentrated near manifolds or subspaces. These types of problems arise in a number of scientific disciplines, including imaging, medicine, and artificial intelligence, and the techniques developed relate to a number of machine learning and statistical algorithms, including deep learning, network analysis, and measuring distances between probability distributions.
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