Rahul Parhi, Regularizing Neural Networks via Radon-Domain Total Variation
Rahul Parhi, Postdoctoral Researcher
Biomedical Imaging Group at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Abstract: What kinds of functions do neural networks learn? Why can neural networks perform well in high dimensional settings? What is the right way to regularize a neural network?
This talk will answer these questions and provide mathematical explanations of existing design and training strategies that have evolved largely through experiments. This includes new insights into the importance of weight decay, linear layers, and skip connections, as well as a deeper understanding of sparsity and the curse of dimensionality. Our main result is a representer theorem that states that neural networks are exact solutions to nonparametric learning problems in “mixed variation” function spaces. These results are inspired from classical results in spline theory, and in the univariate case these neural network solutions are exactly the locally adaptive splines of nonparametric statistics and the function spaces are related to classical bounded variation spaces. In the multivariate case these spaces are characterized by total variation in the Radon domain and include functions that are very regular in all but a small number of directions. Spatial inhomogeneity of this sort leads to a fundamental gap between the performance of neural networks and linear methods (which include kernel methods), explaining why neural networks can outperform classical methods for high-dimensional tasks. This theory suggests new neural network architectures that include linear layers and new regularization schemes.
Bio: Rahul Parhi is currently a postdoctoral researcher with the Biomedical Imaging Group at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). He completed his PhD in electrical engineering at the University of Wisconsn-Madison in 2022, where he was supported by an NSF graduate reserach fellowship. His research interests include applications of functional and harmonic analysis to problems in signal processing and data science, in particular, the mathematical aspects of neural networks.
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