Upstarts: A Better Blood Test?

/ February 2, 2018

Lensless microchip sensors can resolve images down to the level of a molecule or less. The trick to making them useful for hematological applications is to readily detect and report on what’s contained in a few drops of blood. René Vidal, a professor in the Johns Hopkins Department of Biomedical Engineering

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Johns Hopkins-led team aims to turn computer systems into digital detectives

/ October 31, 2017

Imagine an embassy bombing. Consider the massive amount and varied types of data that investigators need to review to determine who carried out the attack and how it was accomplished. Such a probe could involve the slow, painstaking examinations of video footage, photos, internet communications, telephone records, and other material. An

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Faculty position in data intensive biomedical science announced

/ October 25, 2017

The Department of Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in data intensive biomedical science. Outstanding candidates at all academic ranks will be considered. The successful candidate is expected to perform fundamental research in statistical and/or mathematical modeling, analysis, and interpretation of high-dimensional biomedical data. Research

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René Vidal named director of MINDS

/ October 4, 2017

René Vidal has been named the director of the new Johns Hopkins Mathematical Institute for Data Science. The institute is set to launch at a symposium Friday, November 3, 2017 in Baltimore. Vidal is a professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Whiting School of Engineering and also serves as

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